
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Weekly Reading Logs

Have you ever struggled with trying to get a Middle School student to read outside of school?  If so, you know what I have struggled with for the past several years.   One solution I have come up with/borrowed/edited from other fabulous educators is my Weekly Reading Log.  This log is due every Thursday without fail.  Students are expected to read 100 minutes a week and complete a writing activity to go along with this log.  While I'm not convinced every single student is being 100% honest on these logs, I am convinced that more reading is happening outside of school.  Their test scores have improved and we have more conversation about reading than before I started these logs.  To use my form click the link below!

Weekly Reading Log

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Heart Maps

At the beginning of he school year we made "heart maps" that illustrated the things that were most important to us.  The kids were given a large heart shape (I printed them on different colors of paper).  Then I gave them a sheet called "Heart Mapping" by Georgia Heard.

Here are some of the exemplary heart maps:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Successful Vocabulary Lesson!

Last year I had my 8th graders use half of their vocabulary in sentences with context clues and the other half they had to draw pictures to depict the definitions of the words.  Below are some of my favorite drawings!

 This was awesome because the student somehow managed to draw my very first car from high school and my most recent car!  I found it pretty funny!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

7th Grade Icebreakers!

 During the first week of school, the 7th grade participated in a variety of icebreaker activities to form cooperative relationships and learn to work together.  We completed these Icebreakers along with our class meetings to discuss important issues and out theme for the school year: the Beatitudes! 

Shoe Pile Fun!

Students piled their shoes in the middle of the circle.

Then, they choose 2 shoes that do not belong to them and are not matching.  
They must have a left shoe and a right shoe.

They must then put them in order in a line!
*sounds silly but it's a lot of fun*

We then played the knot game.

The kids get in a circle, then everyone reaches across with their right hand and grabs another person's hand.
They do the same with their left hands.


Then, they must untangle!

The team to untangle first wins!

 Class Meeting Time!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Race for Education

Good Times at the Race for Education!

7th Grade Team Building!

We had to privilege of taking our 7th grade students to a low ropes course this fall to learn teamwork and trust skills!  It was one of the most amazing experiences that I have ever had with my students! 

Together we came up with the ingredients for Teamwork:
  • Cooperation
  • Listening
  • Trust
  • Helping Others
  • Endurance
  • Encouragement
  • Strength
  • Stability
  • Determination

 Students learn the 3 rules of teamwork:
1. Safety First
2.  Patience
3.No Put Downs

Name learning game with an action attached!

Students participate in the trust fall!

Students must work together to 'survive' the Underground Railroad challenge.

Students must swing across the "Frog Pond" to get to the lily pads by working together!

Balance is Key!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Week = Success

I have survived the first week of the school year and thus I deem it a success! I have so many wonderful students this year and I am looking forward to seeing all that they can accomplish as we tackle this new year and all of its changes together.

Our theme for the 6th grade this year is: Hollywood!

Wall of "Glamorous Grammar"

My Students' "Ticket to a Great Day"

"Hollyword" Wall