
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

7th Grade Icebreakers!

 During the first week of school, the 7th grade participated in a variety of icebreaker activities to form cooperative relationships and learn to work together.  We completed these Icebreakers along with our class meetings to discuss important issues and out theme for the school year: the Beatitudes! 

Shoe Pile Fun!

Students piled their shoes in the middle of the circle.

Then, they choose 2 shoes that do not belong to them and are not matching.  
They must have a left shoe and a right shoe.

They must then put them in order in a line!
*sounds silly but it's a lot of fun*

We then played the knot game.

The kids get in a circle, then everyone reaches across with their right hand and grabs another person's hand.
They do the same with their left hands.


Then, they must untangle!

The team to untangle first wins!

 Class Meeting Time!

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